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transmission fluid change

Few car parts are more critical and expensive than your transmission. The longevity of your transmission depends on how well you take care of it. Auto mechanics recommend changing transmission fluid every two years or 50,000 kilometres. Preventative maintenance is critical to helping your transmission last until the upper range. A transmission fluid change is one maintenance task that produces positive results. Read on to learn when a fluid change or other transmission services are necessary. Explore our comprehensive guide covering topics like warning signs and common transmission maintenance tasks.

Manufacturer Recommendations

The first place to look when considering a fluid change is the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) manual. The OEM has expertise in transmission operation and maintenance. They are best suited to inform the owner when to change fluid before the transmission is vulnerable to failure. No transmission is the same and there are many factors that impact its longevity. For the average person, driving habits impact how often the transmission requires service. Consider a driver living in the city with a lot of stop and start traffic. Their transmission is under more duress than a driver who accrues more highway miles. A truck transmission is under an even greater burden. Heavy-duty trucks that are towing or hauling large loads are experiencing additional stress on the transmission. The OEM does consider the many variables that impact transmission longevity and maintenance intervals. In the OEM fluid change recommendations, there are different mileage levels for normal or severe service requirements.

Warning Signs

Unfortunately, far too many drivers put off preventative maintenance. They wait until a problem arises before getting the vehicle serviced. There are several warning signs that your vehicle needs a transmission fluid change. Continue reading for a brief explanation on each red flag: Shifting Gears Shifting gears is supposed to be a smooth process. A fluid change may be necessary if your vehicle is shifting gears too quickly or there is a noticeable delay. Many drivers have heard of the transmission slipping. This is when the transmission unexpectedly drops into a lower gear. You may also hear concerning noises when shifting gears. Drivers commonly report hearing a clunking or grinding noise when shifting gears. This indicates that a fluid change is desperately needed. Fluid Colour The colour of the transmission fluid is very telling. Clean fluid is supposed to be red. If the fluid is brown or black, this indicates a change is necessary. This means the originally red fluid is contaminated with dirt and grime. Also, be on the lookout for red fluid under the vehicle. This indicates that there is a leak that requires service. Poor Operation Poor operation is sometimes linked to the fluid in your transmission. For example, rough idling is a warning sign that you need a fluid change. Additionally, some drivers report that their vehicle does not accelerate well. On the flip side, others experience an unexpected surge in RPMs.

Changing Transmission Fluid Is Critical

If you want to avoid a costly repair, it is important to change the fluid inside your transmission. The best advice is to change it in accordance with the OEM’s recommendations. However, other warning signs also indicate service is necessary. Look out for a slipping transmission or loud noises when shifting gears. Alberta Transmission Service is here for all your transmission needs in Edmonton. If you need a transmission fluid change, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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